Die Anforderungen an das finanzbezogene Unternehmensreporting steigen extrem schnell an, doch dank ARJUNA sind wir dem Bedarf immer ein Stück voraus. Produktzyklen werden immer kürzer, neue Technologien machen traditionelle Produktionsverfahren obsolet. Wir erkannten früh den Bedarf an effektiver Planung und einem umfassenden Berichtswesen, das schnelle Reaktionen auf Veränderungen erlaubt.

Interessiert mich !
Wolfgang Nitsche, Controlling SCHOTT AG.


Financial controlling

In future, having a coherent, transparent and credible standardised financial controlling system will play an important role in rating decisions and discussions with banks. Transparent liquidity and cashflow planning is therefore just as important as presenting a standard profit and loss statement and/or balance sheet, as ultimately a company’s activities are directly reflected in its “bank balance”, for instance as regards liquidity trends. Planning assumptions from all the relevant company units are aggregated into a comprehensive financial overview in which profitability and liquidity considerations are only a few of the many process indicators for inclusion in an informative financial controlling system.

With the help of MIK’s tools, a customised company-specific financial controlling system can be quickly set up and integrated in business workflows. The basic MIK standard solution already provides KPI systems which then only need tailoring to the individual company’s specific requirements. The underlying system architecture supports rapid reaction to organisational or process-related changes.

MIK would be happy to advise you on financial controlling – just get in touch. We can also arrange a visit to one of our reference customers.


Reference Customers

    • SCHOTT AG, Mainz
    • AMAG AG, CH
    • AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
    • EDEKA Minden-Hannover Holding, Minden
    • EDEKA Zentrale, Hamburg
    • Bauhaus AG, Mannheim